UNB crest. UNB crest.

New Brunswick Centre for
Educational Administration

This is the home page of the New Brunswick Centre for Educational Administration.  The N.B.C.E.A. was located on the main campus of the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, Canada.  It offered a wide range of inservice programs and activities to educational administrators in New Brunswick and elsewhere in Atlantic Canada.  The N.B.C.E.A. also conducted research and published in the area of educational administration and leadership.  Because of a funding shortfall, the N.B.C.E.A. became inactive, on 2003 July 01, and no longer has any staff or programs.  The co-directors, both retired former faculty members at the University of New Brunswick, have undertaken to continue maintaining the web site.
Staff  |  Mission  |  History  
NBCEA publications  |  Photo album
New Brunswick Centre for Educational Administration
Faculty of Education
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton, Canada
E3B 6E3

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UNB crest. Go to the University of New Brunswick home page.

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